Motion in Accelerated Frames

Minggu, April 22, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-

Malaaaaammm 08:48

Wah ini gue baru menemukan essay fisika di seluk beluk tumpukan kertas rongsokan. :(
Tapi, it's okelah...
Essay ini adalah tugas paper dari Dosen Fisika gue, Pak Hadi Nasbey.
Yuuukkk mari  dibaca!, essay ini tentang GAYA FIKTIF.
Pernah merasakan gaya fiktif saat mobil belok di tikungan ke arah kiri????
Yuppss, pasti pernah deh. Oiaa, gaya fiktif ini hanya dapat dirasakan jika kita sedang duduk di kursi penumpang mobil, pada saat mobil belok di tikungan ke arah kiri, maka kita akan merasakan sebuah gaya, yaitu Gaya Fiktif.

A Fictitious Force When The Car Enters The Ramp

I felt something, I sat on the passenger seat in the car, when the car was entering the ramp. When The car was entering the ramp and the car was traveling a curved path, I tended to move along the original straight-line path. What happened with me?

Actually a force appeared to push me toward the left door. The car seat applied a rightward force to me, and made me to change direction along with the rest of the car. What is that? Why did I do that? eehhmm.. It's not caused by me, but a force.

This is a Fictitious Force. It is due to an accelerated reference frame. A fictitious force appears to act on an object in the same way as a real force, but we cannot identify a second object for a fictitious force.

The force of friction between me and the car seat, if this friction force is large enough, I slidered to the left as the seat turns to the right under  me. Eventually, I encountered the door, which provided  a force large enough to enable me to follow the same curved path as the car.

I slidered toward the door no because of an outward force, but because the force of friction is not sufficiently great to allow me to travel along the circular path followed bt the car.


We must know, fictitious force isn't sentrifugal force which described as a force pulling outward on an object moving in a circular path. When I sat on the passanger seat in the car, when the car was entering the ramp. It was fictitious force. That occurs  as a result of gas being in a non-inertial reference frame.

So, fictitious forces may not be real forces but they can have real effects.

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